St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church
Christina Galvez
[email protected]
(830) 816-5660
Calendaring for ministries and organizations that are already approved to meet on campus begins as soon as the next year’s Boerne Independent School District (BISD) calendar is released and covers the time period of July 1st through June 30th of the following year. Please start working on your calendars immediately and submit them as soon as they are finalized. The later you submit your calendar, the more likely it is that your rooms will no longer be available. Thank you ahead of time for your consideration.
In addition to staff requirements, St. Peter's Parish has over 100 ministries and organizations, many of which meet on campus. Liturgical requests always have priority, followed by Faith Formation, which includes Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Elementary Faith Formation (EFF), EDGE, Life Teen, RCIA, RICA, Sacramental Preparation, High School Confirmation, Adult Confirmation. Staff events, such as staff meetings and governance committees, also have priority over ministries and organizations.
All facilities requests are subject to the availability of staff to open and close the facility. A request for facilities use IS NOT a guarantee.
If for any reason your event or meeting is cancelled, notify us immediately. If no other meeting is taking place, then the building does not have to be unlocked and lights can remain off. In addition, if there is no other meeting in your requested room block, air conditioning or heat does not have to be turned on. Informing us of cancellations saves us money due to overhead costs.
If your event was approved for the weekend, it is your responsibility to get in contact with the facilities manager to make any necessary arrangements. When you receive your reservation confirmation, you will also receive contact information for the Facilities Manager. Again, it is your responsibility to contact him.
Please DO NOT come in and simply take an empty room. You must request a reservation and receive confirmation. We need to know who is on our campus and using our facilities. In addition, that room may actually be reserved a little bit later. Please be considerate of other organizations and the policies of our parish.
Make sure to always adhere to the Facilities Use Guidelines detailed below.
Please submit your request to [email protected] and include the following information:
If you are requesting childcare, please provide all the relevant information such as start time and end time, and exceptions to the schedule of the event. Don't forget to include how many children you expect to require childcare, as that determines how many providers we must have. Note that childcare is subject to availability and may be limited.
DO NOT advertise that childcare is available for your event until you receive a confirmation from Laura. Childcare requests must be received at least two weeks prior to the first date of your event. If you have any questions, call Laura Balderrama Contreras at (830) 816-5668 or email her at [email protected].
These facilities are used by numerous ministries. Please be good stewards of our space and return the room to the standard configuration for that room, which can be found on the wall by the door. If tables are moved, lift, DO NOT DRAG. Please return them to their original place. And last, please straighten chairs and pick up trash so the room is ready for the next group. Thank you for taking care of our space. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.