St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church
Please make a My Own Church account if you do not have one.
Click Blue tab below
If you are already a registered parishioner, and have not already registered as a new user with My Own Church (ParishSoft), you will need to do so before you can register online for Faith Formation. For detailed steps on this process, please scroll down. In addition, points of contact will be listed at the bottom of the page.
Click here to register as a new user on My Own Church (ParishSoft)
Steps to register as a new user on My Own Church (ParishSoft)
Go to the URL
Click "New User?" under the blue Log In button
Fill out the New User Registration Form. Everything with a red asterisk next to it is a required field; the form will not successfully submit unless all those fields are completed.
Drop down the Organization box and select St. Peter the Apostle Parish, Boerne. You can also begin typing it in, but it has to match exactly.
Now type in a User Name. If it is an acceptable user name, a green checkmark next to "Available" will appear to the right of the box. If it is not an acceptable user name, an explanation in red text will appear to the right of the box.
After you complete filling out all the fields, select the blue Submit Registration button at the bottom.
A Terms of Use and Opt In Prompt pop-up box will appear. Please read it. If you wish to continue, select the white I Agree button at the bottom. If you do not wish to continue, select the red I Do Not Agree button and your submission will be canceled; you will not be able to register online (please contact one of the individuals listed below).
If your email matches the email already in the database, you will receive a confirmation message that your registration was successful, as well as an email with a temporary password. If your email does not match the email already in the database, you will receive a Current Status: Pending Review & Approval message. After approved, you will receive an email with a temporary password in 1 to 3 days. NOTE: In either case, please make sure to check your spam email folder as well as your inbox. If your information cannot be verified, you will receive a message that your registration was not successful with options to help resolve the problem. Please choose the option that best fits your particular situation.
When you receive your email with your Username and Temporary Password, click on the link provided, or copy the URL provided and then paste it into your browser address box at the top of your Internet page, and login using that information. After successfully logging in, you will be able to change your password.
Now you will be able to view your account and make changes to limited information on your account. To register for Faith Formation, please follow the instructions below.
After you successfully log into your My Own Church (ParishSoft) account, follow the steps to register your students for Faith Formation.
Steps to register for Faith Formation
Step 1: Review Current Family Details
This section shows the current information for your family. The information is pulled from your Family Directory record.
● Red warning text: red text alerts you that information is missing (not available in your family record). The information must be supplied before you can submit your online registration.
● Update Family Record: click the link to view and, if necessary, update your family record.
Step 2: Select Enrollment Term
● Term *: contains a list of terms that have classes you can register for. Select the desired enrollment term.
TERM = Faith Formation 2024-2025 (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS), Elementary Faith Formation (EFF), Middle School Formation and High School Formation)
TERM = Sacrament Preparation 2024-2025 (First Eucharist Preparation or Confirmation)
NON-PARISHIONERS have their own terms.
*Please note that available sessions will appear based on child’s grade.
Step 3: Add Students
Supply information about the student in the Student Information section:
● Student: select the student's name from the dropdown list.
● Grade: select the grade the student will be in in the fall
● Special Needs: if the student has any special needs (for example, needs to sit in the front row because has difficulty seeing the board), type the information in this field.
● Health or Medical Needs: if the student has special health needs (for example, has asthma or food allergies), type the information in this field.
Indicate Session preferences in the Session Preferences section by selecting session from each of the dropdown lists (Choices 1 - 3).The Preferences are distinguished by Program and days classes are offered (example: CGS Sunday, EFF Wednesday, Middle School)
Click Save Student.
If registering multiple student in the same TERM click Add Student and continue the process.
When all students have been submitted a PAY NOW button will appear. Please click and complete payment. Options are available.
*If your child will be preparing for First Eucharist (2nd-5th grade and baptized) or Confirmation, you must register for Faith Formation first. Then under the TERM: Sacrament Preparation register for the appropriate Sacrament. A separate transaction is required for multiple term enrollment. (Faith Formation and Sacrament)
The system will send you a confirmation e-mail acknowledging receipt of the form.
If you have any problems with online registration, need assistance or have questions, please contact Angela Spino.
Angela Spino
Director of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Faith Formation Registration Point of Contact
[email protected]
(830) 816-5664
Laura Balderrama Contreras
Director of Elementary Faith Formation and Catechesis
[email protected]
(830) 816-5668